Finally, after almost two years of study, I have become a Professional Medical Coach and today, without a doubt it is a great result, obtained with effort and dedication.
I have the certificate, that famous piece of paper that everyone wants everywhere in the world and which is a concrete proof of our success; for me, one piece more of myself and my professional path.
My goal has been achieved and I am very proud of it.
However, I would like to make some considerations on the journey I took to reach my goal: for me it was as important as the goal, if not even more.
Thinking about it today brings me many emotions: happiness, sadness, pride and even nostalgia.
Emotions are energy that make us move, it motivates us, it guides and stimulates us.
In my work as a Coach, I often support my clients with their goals by diving deep within themselves and within their foundations; this work can be used to change, to find resources and strategies or to discover something new.
Every day, throughout our life, we build ourselves and our reality, piece by piece; there are those who succeed with ease and clarity and those instead with effort.
It is essential to look back while building, moving and moving forward; but to look back you have to stop, otherwise you will trip and fall, an expert tells you, and your eyes must be turned to the past.
The concept of stopping is very difficult for me. I always go forward, I would say that I run more than I walk. In this last year I have been forced to stop, taking a few steps back and starting over in a different way several times.
It was difficult, useless to deny it, but it allowed me to open my eyes, get to know myself a little better and brought me new learnings.
Only when completely still do we notice the details that previously escaped, failures that have turned to success, nuances of life that have gone unnoticed and above all the road we have covered ... with all the climbs!
It is an exercise that must be done because it helps us in our present and gives us a lot of strength, energy and balance.
And then, who says we cannot stop more than expected?
We are the ones who direct our life. Let us enjoy it a little!
Dedicated to my children who have a long road ahead.
Stop, take the time to look back and always continue to enjoy the journey that brought you where you are now: the magic is right there, always with you as you go; take a necessary break to rest, understand, reframe and orient yourself in order to start again.